Hendricks County Superior Court 3

Paid for by  committee to elect Crane for Judge 

Meet Travis Crane 

My name is Travis Crane, I want to tell you a little about myself and why I am running for Superior Court 3 in Hendricks County, Indiana. I was born on the near east-side of Indianapolis into a family where drugs, alcohol, domestic violence, and instability were a part of everyday life. I was surrounded by crime, violence, and a lack of respect for authority. Addiction and survival were the driving forces of daily life. Within this environment, finishing high school was the furthest thing from normal. However, by God’s grace and the intervention of stable adults, I was the first person in my family to graduate high school. From there, I entered college with the hope of one day going to law school to become a juvenile court judge to help influence the lives of youths and families.

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